Speech & Language software researchCitations to clinical research on using computer software for speech & language therapy treatment. Katz, Richard C., Wertz, Robert T. (1997) The Efficacy of Computer-Provided Reading Treatment for Chronic Aphasic Adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, (Volume 40, pp 493-507, June 1997). You can view the abstract from his study. Bull, G.L., Cochran, P.S., and Snell, M.E. (1988) Beyond CAI: Computers, language, and persons with mental retardation. Topics in Language Disorders, 8(4), 55-76 Cochran, P.S. and Bull, G.L (1991) Integrating word processing into language therapy. Topics in Language Disorders, 11(2), 31-48. Cochran, P.S. and Bull, G.L. (1992) Computer-assisted learning and instruction In J. Rassi, and M. McElroy (eds), The Education of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists (pp. 363-386) Curtis, J. (1987). An introduction to microcomputers in speech, language, and hearing. Boston: Little Brown, & Co. Goldman, R. and Dahle, A.J. (1985) Current and emerging applications of microcomputer technology in communication disorders. Topics in Language Disorders, 6(1), 11-25 Grossman, M., & Grossman, C. (Eds). (1986). Microcomputer Application in Rehabilitation Communication Disorders. Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishers. Houle, G.R. (1988) Computer usage by speech-language pathologists in public schools. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 19, 423-427. Katz, R.C. (1986) Aphasia treatment and microcomputers, San Diego, CA: College Hill. Lindsey, J.D. (1987) Special magic-computers, classroom strategies and exceptional students. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Pub. Lindsey, J. (1993) Computers and exceptional individuals, 2nd edition, Austin, TX: Pro-Ed Masterson,J.J. (1995) Computer applications in the schools: What we can do - what we should do. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 26(3), 211-212. McGuire, R (1995) Computer-based instrumentation: Issues in clinical applications Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 26(3), 232-240 Mendel, L.L., Wynne, M.K., English, K. and Schmidt-Troike, A (1995) Compeer applications in educational audiology Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 26(3), 232-240. Meyers, L. (1984). Unique contributions of microcomputers to language intervention with handicapped children. Seminars in Speech and language, 5(1), 23-32. O'Connor, L. and Scherey, T.K. (1986) A comparison of microcomputer-assisted and traditional language therapy for developing communication skills in nonoral toddlers Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 51(4), 356-361
Russell, S.J., Corwin, R., Mokros, J.R. and Kapisovsky, P.M. (1988) Beyond drill and practice: Expanding the computer mainstream, Reston, VA: Council for Exceptional Children Schery, T.K. and O'Connor, L.C. (1992) The effectiveness of school-based computer language intervention with severely handicapped children Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 23(1), 43-47 |