Being a Healer
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How to be a healer

by Mary Simpson  [email protected]
September 1997

It is said....... A "healer" is one who evokes the "will" to live in someone. So simple, anyone can be an instrument of healing to someone who is deprived of their former life. ..... A situation that can become a heavy burden to bear.

What basic steps can be used?

A "shut in;" recent or not so recently disabled friend can feel the overburdening lack of little "insignificant" interactions to their senses. 
Such as.......

· petting an animal
· touching a tree
· setting under the stars
· feeling the warmth of the sun
· smelling a forest
· feeling rain on their skin
· planting a flower
· touching sand; soil; rocks.
· hearing the sound of wind blowing trees 
· holding a sea shell, feather, piece of wood
· seeing a favorite impressive view
· watching a sunrise/sunset
· being near a small child
· enjoying the artistry of; music; etc.
· visiting in person, or through the mail with old friends
· going to old "haunts" not visited since the disability
· tasting a longed for taste

The human condition requires stimulation of all the 5 bodily senses:

  1. touching
  2. hearing
  3. seeing
  4.  smelling
  5. tasting.

Any "perceived" lack in these areas can lead to intense despair.

Find out in casual conversation..... "What seems to be, the overriding feeling of lack at this moment?" The answer may surprise you. It may be such a trivial thing. Never promise anything, a disappointment can lead to further loss of hope. However, if you can bring a "lacked" situation back into their narrow environment, even once to a small degree , you can be a "healer".

A person who feels "imprisoned" in body and environment..... is a person that may have lost hope. Lost hope leads to "willing" the body to die. Even the smallest change in their situation can change the quality of life, and therefore, their "will" to live.

If you have a friend who has had a stroke or other major, limiting health problem, do not drift away. Keep in touch. Even if you feel the friend no longer seeks you may be due to their feelings of being a burden to you, or through unwanted feelings of begging for your attention. 

You can be that special angel that makes the "world of difference" in their lives.

Everyone can be a "HEALER"! God smiles through you.