Survivor Stories
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Stories for, and about, brain-injury survivors and their caregivers and therapists.

Stories can be inspirational, motivational, and moving.

Patients who write about traumatic life experiences sometimes gain relief from such diseases as chronic asthma or rheumatoid arthritis. [study details]

bulletSurvivor triumphs over two strokes, using his computer
bulletHow anyone can be a healer
bulletA story of caregiver resiliency
bulletRob Hughes' story. He had a stroke, slowly recovered, earned a social worker degree, and is active in stroke support groups.
bulletThoughts of a stroke survivor.
bulletStroke at 13

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Writing Fights Illness, study shows

 Patients who wrote about the most stressful event in their lives for 20 minutes a day, three days in a row, were in better health four months later than those who didn't. Writing may help them make sense of bad experiences.

Based on a study of 107 patients with chronic illness led by Dr. Joshua Snyth, PHD, Asst. Prof. of psychology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Submit a story

If we have room, we'll publish your story.

Three subjects for highly successful stories

  1. Overcoming adversity
  2. Explanations of how you achieved something.  (I.e., information that can help others emulate your success)
  3. Inspirational stories

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and include "survivor story" in the subject.