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How to copy speech therapy Lessons from one computer to another for Sights'n Sounds 2

If you create custom exercises in Sights'n Sounds 2 you can share them with someone else. It requires a little knowledge of copying files from one computer to another.

Step-by-step Instructions

On the "Source" computer (the one that has the new lessons you want to copy):

  1. Find the directory in which Sights'n Sounds 2 is installed.

    Usually this directory is :
    C:\bungalow\SightsNSounds2\ or

    C:\program files\bungalow\SightsNSounds2\

    How to find the directory manually:

    1. Right-click on the "Sights'n Sounds 2" icon and choose Properties.
    2. On the Properties window that is displayed, click the Find Target button.
  2. Copy the DataSns2 directory, located under the SightsNSounds2 directory.

    This will be 88 MB to 150MB or more (depending on how many custom exercises you created. If you added 400 custom exercises that would increase the size to about 170 MB total.  That's a lot of exercises to you'll probably have less than that.

    There are several ways to transfer that data: 

    1. A USB Thumb drive (these cost about $15.00 for one with 256 Megabytes of storeage, more than enough for this task, and you can buy one on Amazon.com, etc.)
    2. Burning the data to a CD-R (CD-Recordable).  You'll need a CD burner drive and a CD-R to do this.
    3. Connect the computers via a network.

On the "Destination" computer (the one you want to add the lessons to) :

  1. Find the directory as in #1 above.
  2. Copy the DataSns2 directory that you got from the Source computer. You'll probably get a message asking if you want to replace the files in DataSns2.  You definitely want to do this.